Getting to your house
What can I do if I have difficulties finding my house?
The travel documents include the GPS coordinates of the house as well as a small map of the area. Please study the route description thoroughly before driving to the house. We also recommend that you bring a proper map of Iceland.
Good! We got answers
The booking process
- How do I book a holiday house with Viatis?
- How many people are allowed to stay in the house?
- What is the minimum rental period?
- What are the arrival/departure days?
- Can I book a house on other days than Thursdays and Sundays?
- Can I book a holiday home in the wintertime?
- Why do I have to provide flight details in the booking process?
- I have not yet booked a flight (i.e. cannot provide the required flight information in the booking process), can I still book my chosen house?
- Can I book a final cleaning?
- When and how do I receive my travel documents?
Viatis Online Check-in
Arrival in Iceland
- Do I need a mobile phone during my trip in Iceland?
- I will bring my own linen, do I still have to go to the Pick up Point?
- Where in Iceland are the Viatis Pick up Points? How are the opening hours?
- I will arrive in Iceland several days before staying in the Viatis house. Can I go to the Pick up Point and get the bedlinen upon my arrival, or is it only possible the day before taking over the house?
- Do I need to leave a credit card number in order to receive the holiday home keys?
- I have booked more than one house, will I get all the keys at the same time?